The student’s privilege to ride a school bus is contingent on their behavior as governed by the Student Contract. The rules and consequences for student behavior on the bus and the Student Contract are located on the Student Conduct on School Buses page.
Additionally, these rules are included in the Code of Conduct issued by each Jeffco public school. Inappropriate behavior, which is described in the contract may result in suspension of bus privileges.
The program includes a progressive series of consequences, depending on the severity of the inappropriate behavior. Usual steps may include:
A verbal reminder is given to the student that they will be suspended from the bus if they are to break the agreement again. The action is logged in a discipline behavior log, and the parent may be called to be informed of the misconduct. The student may be assigned a seat.
The student's parent is called and the student may be removed from the bus for up to three days.
The student's parent is called and the student may be removed from the bus for up to two weeks.
The student may lose all bus riding privileges for the remainder of the school year.
The severity of the consequences are determined by the bus driver and the appropriate Transportation Supervisor/Training Department designee. Video cameras are available for monitoring students on any bus in Jefferson County, however, the driver's observance of a student's misbehavior is sufficient evidence in determining corrective action.