2023-2024 Board of Education Meeting Schedule
The Jeffco Public Schools Board of Education encourages you to become involved in the education of the youth in our community. You are invited to watch Board of Education meetings live, online from the comfort of your home, or catch up on past meetings by viewing our video recordings.
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View Board Meeting Schedule
Meetings generally are held at the Education Center, 1829 Denver West Dr., Bldg. 27, 5th floor, Golden (off I-70/Denver West Blvd). Read more information on participation in board meetings.
Special accommodations will be provided upon request. Please notify the Board of Education Office, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to make arrangements to allow an individual to fully participate in this meeting. Meeting agendas are available here.
* Regular BUSINESS Meetings, 5 p.m., Board Room, 5th floor
*Each regular meeting is preceded by a 4 p.m. study or executive session, unless otherwise noted on the meeting agenda.
Study Sessions, 3 P.M., Board Room, 5th floor
Select the button above to view the Board Meeting Schedule.
Meeting dates/times/locations of board meetings are subject to change.
Your opinion and feedback are important to the Board of Education. Community members may address the Board at regular business meetings. When applicable, find out how to sign up to speak to the Board of Education.
La reunión de la Junta Directiva de Educación (BOE) de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado Jefferson es transmitida en directo. Se proveerá interpretación simultánea en español y en vivo mediante Google Meet.
Para acceder a la interpretación en español:
Favor, llame a este número: (617) 675-4444
Luego marque su contraseña: 135 675 465 2692#
Enlace para la transmisión en vivo de la BOE: https://livestream.com/accounts/10429076/events/3542310