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SPED Department Contacts


Adams Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Addenbrooke Classical Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Addenbrooke Classical Grammar Jeb Brako 303-982-1726 [email protected]
Addenbrooke Classical Secondary Jeb Brako 303-982-1726 [email protected]
Alameda Intl. Jr/Sr Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Arvada K-8 Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Arvada Senior Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Arvada West Senior Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Bear Creek K-8 Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Bear Creek Senior Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Bell Middle Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Belmar Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Bergen Meadow Elem. Pk-2nd Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Bergen Valley Elem. 3rd-5th Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Blue Heron Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Bradford K-8 North and South Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Brady Exploration Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Campbell Elementary Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Carmody Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Chatfield Senior Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Coal Creek Canyon K-8 Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Collegiate Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Colorow Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Columbine Hills + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Columbine Senior Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Compass Montessori Golden Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Compass Montessori Wheat Ridge Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Conifer Senior Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Connections Learning Center Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Coronado Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Creighton Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
D'Evelyn Jr/Sr Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Dakota Ridge Senior Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Deane Elementary Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Deer Creek Middle Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Dennison Allison Tayloe 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Devinny Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Doral Academy of Colorado Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Drake Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Dunstan Middle Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Dutch Creek Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-1591 [email protected]
Edgewater Elementary + PK Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Eiber Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Elk Creek Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-3039 [email protected]
Emory Elementary Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Evergreen Middle Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Evergreen Senior Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Everitt Middle Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Excel Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Fairmount Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Falcon Bluffs Middle Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Fletcher Miller + PK Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Foothills Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Foster K-8 + PK Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Free Horizon Montessori (District Innovation School) + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Fremont Elementary Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Glennon Heights Elementary Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Golden Senior Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Governor's Ranch Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Great Work Montessori Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Green Gables Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Green Mountain Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Green Mountain Senior Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Hackberry Hill Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Headstart - Jeffco Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Headstart - Lakewood Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Hutchinson Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Jeffco Virtual Academy Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Jefferson Academy Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Jefferson Academy HS Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Jefferson County Open Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Jefferson Jr/Sr Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
JLRP Elementary Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
JLRP Secondary Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Ken Caryl Middle Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
Kendallvue Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Kendrick Lakes + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Kullerstrand Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Kyffin Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Lakewood Senior Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Lasley Elementary Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Lawrence Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Leawood Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Lincoln Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Little Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Long View Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Lukas Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Lumberg Elementary + PK Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Mandalay Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Manning Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Maple Grove Elementary Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Marshdale Elementary Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
McLain Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Meiklejohn Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Mitchell Elementary Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Molholm Elementary + PK Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Montessori Peaks Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Moore Middle Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Mortensen Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Mount Carbon Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Mount View Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Mountain Phoenix Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Mountain Phoenix Community Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
NETS Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
New America School Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Normandy Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
North Arvada Middle Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Oberon Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Outdoor Education Schools Multiple
Parmalee Elementary Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Parr Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Patterson International + PK Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Peak Expeditionary at Pennington + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Peck Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Peiffer Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Pomona Senior Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
POOD Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Powderhorn Elementary Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Pre-Schools Multiple
Prospect Valley Elementary Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Ralston Elementary Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Ralston Valley Senior Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
ReConnect Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Red Rocks Elementary Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Rocky Mountain Deaf Karin Neugebauer 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Rocky Mtn Academy Evergreen Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Rooney Ranch Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Rose Stein International + PK Adena Miller 303-982-1535 [email protected]
Ryan Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Secrest Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Semper Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Shaffer Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Shelton Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Sheridan Green Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Sierra Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Slater Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Sobesky Academy Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
South Lakewood Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Standley Lake Senior Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Stevens Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Stober Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Stony Creek + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Stott Elementary + PK Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Summit Ridge Middle Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Swanson Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Thomson Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Three Creeks K-8 Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Transition Sites Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Two Roads Charter School Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]
Ute Meadows Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Van Arsdale Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Vanderhoof Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Vivian Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Warder Elementary + PK Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Warren Tech Sarah Fournier 303-982-3065 [email protected]
Wayne Carle Middle Sarah Cooksey 303-982-0777 [email protected]
Weber Elementary Kelly Klatt 303-982-6198 [email protected]
Welchester Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
West Jefferson Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
West Jefferson Middle Sara Brown 303-982-3520 [email protected]
West Woods Elementary Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Westgate Elementary + PK Emily Long 303-982-7458 [email protected]
Westridge Elementary Stacey Wells 303-982-5912 [email protected]
Wheat Ridge Senior Amy Allen 303-982-8829 [email protected]
Wilmore-Davis Elementary + PK Nicole Dallek 303-982-0030 [email protected]
Wilmot Elementary + PK Allison Tayloe 303-982-8170 [email protected]
Witt Elementary + PK Lynea Pearson 303-982-3393 [email protected]
Woodrow Wilson Academy Jeb Brako 303-982-8513 [email protected]

Special Education Community Support Line


Maria Messer, Executive Director


Maria Messer Photo

Maria is thrilled to be returning to #TeamJeffco in the role of Executive Director of Special Education. Maria grew up in Jeffco and is a Wheat Ridge High School alumni. She has built her passions and career in roles such as school support staff, facility school teacher, PBIS Coach/Coordinator, Transition Coordinator, Significant Support Needs teacher, Behavior Analyst, Assistant Director and Director of Special Education.

In addition to her dedicated career path to support our unique learners and their families, she has also adopted two boys with very different exceptionalities. Her oldest has significant support needs and is flourishing in one of our neighboring facility schools. Her youngest is twice exceptional thriving in one of our Jeffco schools.

Maria’s personal and professional experiences have given her a unique lens in how we can work together to ensure ALL of our students are prepared for a bright and successful future.

Words or phrases that may be associated with Maria include: leader of leaders, direct and kind, compassionate, inspiring, collaborative, and student and family focused.

Outside of work, Maria enjoys coffee and a good book, exploring beautiful Colorado with her boys, working on her Jeffco home, and spending quality time with those she loves.

Jessica Goodkin Director


Jessica Goodkin PhotoJessica has been working in education since 2009, as an educator, instructional coach and administrator. As a Director, Jessica is able to follow her passion of supporting staff, students and their families to ensure success and confidence for all. She is dedicated to instructional excellence for all students. Jessica is proud to be a part of a school district whose vision is to be a thriving district where all students achieve their biggest dreams. When she's not working, you can find Jessica hiking, camping, or snowboarding with her family all over Colorado.


Lora Bonney Assistant Director



Lora Bonney

Lora is a California native and has been living in Colorado since 2016.This is Lora's first year with Team Jeffco.  Lora began her journey in the field of special education in California.  Lora has built her career in roles such as a Paraprofessional, Significant Support Needs Teacher, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, IEP Specialist, College Instructor, Special Education Instructional Leader, Special Educational Coordinator, and Assistant Director of Special Education.

Concurrently with Lora's roles in schools, she was a College Instructor for eleven years, teaching courses in Eligibility Categories & Determination, Evaluation/IEP Writing, Special Education Law, and Cultural Diversity. 

Lora has a passion for problem-solving the needs of students through building capacity in schools, building relationships and building partnerships with professionals and families. 

Jeb Brako Assistant Director


Jeb Brako Photo

Jeb Brako serves Jeffco Public Schools in the role of Assistant Director of Special Education. Currently, he oversees Jeffco Transition Services (JTS) School and the School to Workforce Alliance Program (SWAP). 

He previously worked as a special education teacher serving secondary aged students in Colorado’s rural mountain schools and before that, a 4th grade teacher in Cherry Creek School District. He started his career in Maryland as a paraeducator. Jeb earned a Bachelor's in Political Science, Masters in Arts of Education, and a Master's in Educational Leadership and Special Education Administration.

In his free time, Jeb enjoys spending time with his wife, Amy, and their daughter, Sienna.

Sara Brown Assistant Director


Sara Brown Photo

Sara is in her second year with Jeffco Public School. For the last 10 years Sara has worked in Special Education in the Denver Metro Area, serving as a Special Education Math teacher, Affective Needs teacher for students grades 6-12, an Assistant Principal in a Separate School Setting, and a district wide behavioral specialist for students K-12. Sara holds a Bachelors in Psychology from University of Colorado, Denver, and a Masters in Education Leadership and Policy Studies from University of Denver. Sara’s personal and professional experiences have given her a unique lens in working with students, parents, and school teams together to ensure students have access to the support that will allow them to thrive!

Outside of work Sara loves to spend time with her husband, two young sons, and extended family that live close by. Sara loves sports, and spending time with family watching soccer and football!

Sara Supports the Dakota Ridge and Bear Creek articulation areas, as well as supporting the Affective Needs center across the district. 

Sarah Cooksey Assistant Director


Sarah Cooksey Photo

Sarah Cooksey is in her third year of service with Jeffco and is currently working with the Alameda and Lakewood articulation areas. For the last 18 years, Sarah has worked in Special Education as a Special Education Administrator and Teacher in both Denver and Colorado Springs serving populations from kindergarten through high school with a variety of needs. In addition to teaching in the K-12 world, Sarah worked as a research assistant and lecturer in the teacher preparation program at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. In this capacity, she worked to understand the educational structures, access, and supports that further outcomes for marginalized populations. Sarah’s journey in special education started at the age of nine after her sister suffered a life-altering car accident leaving her physically and cognitively disabled. Sarah has worked to advance outcomes for individuals with disabilities and their families since then. Her passion for equity and inclusion are the cornerstones of her research endeavors and predicate her professional life. When Sarah has free time, she loves to be outside walking and hiking the foothills with her dogs.

Schools: Belmar Elementary School, Eiber Elementary School, Slater Elementary School, South Lakewood Elementary School, Creighton Middle School, Lakewood High School, Deane, Elementary School, Lasley Elementary School, Patterson Elementary School, Rose Stein Elementary School, Alameda Jr./Sr., School. 

Auxiliary work within the district: SSN Team Lead, Alternative Assessments Contact, BrainSteps Support, Threat Management Team, and CDE File Review.  

Nicole Dallek Assistant Director


Nicole Dallek PhotoNicole is a New York native and has been living in Colorado since 2011. Prior to starting her role as an assistant director, Nicole was a special education teacher for ten years in both Jeffco and Gunnison Watershed School District serving the elementary population. In addition to her role, she serves on the Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC) as the Special Education Director representative. Nicole earned her Master's degree in 2013 from Western Colorado University and her Bachelor's degree in 2009 from the University at Buffalo. Most recently, she completed an additional Master's degree from Colorado Northern University in Educational Leadership and Special Education Administration.

In her free time, Nicole enjoys spending time with her husband Andrew and their dogs Baloo and Benny.

Sarah Fournier Assistant Director


Sarah Fournier Photo

Sarah is in her third year with Jeffco Schools. She began her career working with teens and adults with mental health and substance use disorders in Massachusetts before transitioning into the field of education. Sarah has over a decade of experience in special education, both as a school social worker and an administrator. Most recently before coming to Jeffco, Sarah led seven separate school programs throughout Colorado for students with social, emotional, and behavioral needs along with two programs for students with Autism Spectrum and related disorders. Sarah holds a Master of Public Health degree from Boston University, a Master of Social Work degree from Loyola University Chicago and her Special Education Directors Licensure from the University of Northern Colorado. Outside of work, Sarah enjoys coaching figure skating, skiing, climbing, hiking and spending time with her husband and their dogs.

Carina Kemble, Assistant Director


Carina Kemble Photo

Carina is delighted to join Jeffco Public Schools as an Assistant Director of Special Education of the Arvada West articulation area, Campbell & Norma Anderson Early Learning Centers, & Headstarts. It is with great enthusiasm and a deep commitment to supporting students with special education needs that she embarks on this role.

Carina brings 17 years of experience in education - 13 of them in Special Education as a teacher, teacher leader, and most recently the Special Education instructional coordinator here in Jeffco. I also have my Ed.S. in Special Education Directorship & Principalship from the University of Northern Colorado. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to promoting inclusive education and advocating for the success of students with diverse learning needs.

Carina is truly honored to be part of a team that is committed to empowering students and fostering an inclusive educational experience. She looks forward to getting to know her school community including teachers and families, and learning from their valuable insights and expertise. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of our students and ensure they receive the support they need to reach their full potential.

Kelly Klatt Assistant Director


Kelly Klatt PhotoOriginally from Minnesota, by way of Nebraska, Kelly Klatt is proud to say she has been a member of Team Jeffco for 19 years. Kelly began her career in Jeffco as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher. Prior to working in Jeffco she worked in a Day Treatment facility, was a child-care director, and an in-home ABA provider. This is Kelly's 6th year as Assistant Director of Special Education. This year Kelly supports our Charter School Partnerships. She oversees our Assessment library, as well as iReady Accommodation as part of Read Act. This is her 24rd year in Special Education. She is passionate about supporting equity and inclusive practices for all students. Outside of work, Kelly enjoys yoga, reading, participating in 5k races and triathlons, or spending time in the mountains with her husband and their 2 active boys.

Allison Kratzner Assistant Director


Allison Kratzner

Allison Kratzer is a dedicated and passionate professional in the field of special education with 8 years of experience in Jeffco. She has experience fostering opportunities for marginalized communities, coaching Jeffco sports teams, leading cohorts of new teachers, and collaborates with the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). As a leader, Allison is committed to ensuring that every student receives the support and resources they need to thrive academically and personally.  Allison received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Michigan State University, and her Special Education Directors Licensure from the University of Colorado Denver. 

Schools: Allison supports the Evergreen articulation area, the Conifer articulation area, and D’Evelyn Jr/Sr.  Outside of work, Allison enjoys skiing, backpacking, cooking, renovating her home, and going on adventures with her husband and dog. 

Adena Miller Assistant Director


Adena Miller Photo

Adena Miller, Ph.D., has been committed to equity in education for over two decades. Her experiences range from teaching students in the classroom to coaching educators across the nation. Adena has co-authored special education policies at the Colorado Department of Education and conducted research evaluations of policy implementation at McREL International. Her passion for problem-solving the needs of struggling learners; building collaborative partnerships between professionals and families; and studying special education law inspires her work as an Assistant Director of Special Education in Jeffco Public Schools. Adena is driven to inspire, empower, teach, and learn within our community to meet the needs of all learners so that, together, we can improve outcomes for our students.

Karin Neugebauer Assistant Director


Karin Neugebauer PhotoKarin earned her bachelor's from SUNY Binghamton, master's from the University of Pittsburgh, and doctoral degree from CU Boulder. She started her career in education as a high school science teacher at Lexington School for the Deaf in New York City. Karin has served as an educator for over 25 years in a variety of roles, including instructional specialist, instructional coach, university instructor and researcher, dean, and assistant principal. She joined the Jeffco special education team in 2021 in her role as Assistant Director. Equity, collaboration, and high expectations are some of the core values that guide her as a leader. She is committed to supporting educators, students, and families as they work together to make sure all students achieve and graduate from Jeffco prepared for postsecondary success. In addition to supporting a group of schools, Karin supports both the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Vision teams.

Jenny Pilger Assistant Director


Jenny P

Jenny in her first year of service with Jeffco and is currently working with Columbine Articulation area and Option schools.  She is a Michigan native and moved in Colorado in 2004. 

Since 2004, Jenny has been dedicated in supporting the needs of unique learners in various capacities such as learning specialist, significant support needs teacher, special education coordinator, and director within the Sheridan School District.  Guided by core values of equity, collaboration, and belongingness, Jenny aligns her work with a leadership approach that prioritizes inclusivity and a sense of community. Outside of work, Jenny enjoys reading, camping around Colorado, and spending her time with her family. 

Stacey Wells Assistant Director


Stacey Wells

A Colorado native, Stacey is proud to say she is was a Jeffco kid and brings her joy to be serving a community she grew up in. Stacey is in her sixth year with Jeffco Schools. She began her career as a prek/kindergarten teacher before transitioning into the field of special education. During her first few years of working in special education Stacey obtained her Master's of Special Education degree from Grand Canyon University. Stacey has a decade of experience in special education supporting students in a separate school settings.

Outside of work, Stacey enjoys fitness, spending time in the mountains, coaching youth basketball and you can always find her cheering on her son at his various sporting event.

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