Jeffco has taken a proactive approach to monitor the execution of the Illustrative Mathematics program and gather feedback from teachers and students by entering into a partnership with CU Denver for an Illustrative Mathematics Implementation Study. This study aimed to collect valuable insights and feedback from teachers and educational leaders based on their experience with the curriculum. The findings from the 2022-23 Implementation Study are available for review. Additionally, the Jeffco Research and Assessment Design team administered a survey to gather feedback about student perceptions of mathematics and other topics Results from the survey are available in the Panorama Education Dashboard.
To facilitate the feedback collection process, teachers and leaders have been actively engaged in professional learning sessions. These sessions not only provide them with the necessary training and resources but also offer a platform to share their experiences and suggestions for improvement. The district acknowledges the significance of teachers and leaders' perspectives in refining the implementation process.
To further support schools in their implementation efforts, each educational institution has been assigned a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). These TOSAs serve as dedicated resources, assisting schools with the effective execution of the program and closely monitoring its impact on student learning.
Continuous communication and information exchange have been a top priority for Jeffco. School leaders in cohort 1 and cohort 2 receive weekly updates to keep them well-informed about the progress of the program. This two-way communication channel enables school leaders to provide timely feedback and seek clarification from the Jeffco mathematics department as needed. This partnership fosters a dynamic and responsive learning environment, continuously refining services and resources to support strong educational outcomes for all students.