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Device Care & Support Over the Summer

The district requires that students keep Jeffco owned devices over the summer to ensure all have equitable access for continued  summer learning. All students enrolled in summer programs must be supplied a learning device from their home school.

Leaving devices with students provides them the ability to access online learning over the summer if desired, including Jeffco Summer of Early Learning, high school credit recovery programs, and available digital education tools.



Educational Support & Use

What educational/instructional supports will be available over the summer?

  • In addition to the resources provided through the programs listed above, students will have access to all e-books (through your school’s collection and JCPL).  They will also have access to all of our core digital tools.  Finally, they may have access to additional school purchased resources.
  •  Ed Tech Digital Tools
  •  Social Emotional Supports

Summer Troubleshooting & Repair

My student lost their AC adapter. How can they receive a new one?

Please do not purchase a charger off of Amazon or from another location, as they damage to the device, in excess of $100. Jeffco IT stocks AC adapters for common devices and can sell them to families (our current price is lower than Amazon’s). If you need a new adapter, please come to 809 Quail St, Building 1, Room 127, Lakewood, CO 80215. Your  student's account will be billed.

What do I do with my device if I am moving or leaving Jeffco?


Options for Tracking/Viewing/Limiting Activity or Opting Out

Can I view my student’s activity on their Jeffco device?

Yes. The SecurlyHome App allows parents/guardians to track activity on their student’s device. More information is available here.

Can I limit my student’s activity on their Jeffco device?

Yes, parents/guardians have the right to completely take away the device over the summer if they choose to do so. You will also be able to limit activity on the device over the summer through the SecurlyHome App. This functionality will be activated and documentation will be available before the end of the school year.

What if I do not want my student(s) to have/use their device(s) over the summer?

Consider a few of these options:

  • Limiting your student’s device capabilities through the SecurlyHome App
  • Taking your student’s device away and storing it in a safe location at home
    • If possible, we’d ask that you power on the device once a month to install any updates and to help preserve the battery capacity.
    • Here are instructions for putting devices into long term storage:
  • If your family has an extenuating circumstance in which having the device at home over the summer poses a substantial threat or risk to your student, please reach out to your school’s principal to determine the best solution.

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