Jeffco 2021-22 Assessment Calendars
Assessment Calendars
ACCESS for ELLs is an
English language
proficiency test that
measures students’
academic English
language skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Every winter, ACCESS for ELLs is given to kindergarten through twelfth-graders who have been identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) who are Non-English or Limited-English proficient. The test provides educators and parents proficiency levels and information that is used to enhance instruction and learning and support. You can use test information to advocate for your child at school.
Please contact your child's school for specific test date information.
Link to information about the WIDA organization and assessments
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)
CMAS is the state's common measurement of students' achievement on state standards at the end of the school year in English language arts, math, science and social studies. Designed to be administered online, the tests feature a variety of interactive questions that are engaging and aligned with 21st century teaching and learning practices. CMAS testing occurs annually in the Spring.
Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) who are not able to take CMAS, PSAT/SAT will instead take the Colorado Alternate Assessments. The CoAlt is a standards-based assessment designed to provide a picture of student performance and a framework for students to access the general curriculum in English language arts, math, science, and social studies.
The PSAT (pre-SAT) for ninth and tenth graders aligns to the literacy and mathematics expectations in Colorado academic standards and state tests. The PSAT measures the same skills and knowledge as the SAT in a way that makes sense for ninth and tenth graders. It focuses on the knowledge, skills, and understandings that research has identified as most important for college and career readiness and success. The PSAT is taken by Colorado ninth and tenth graders to help prepare for the SAT in eleventh grade.
Several advantages of using the PSAT and the SAT include:
- A close alignment to the content and expectations in the Colorado Academic Standards
- The availability of free resources, including practice tests, to help students prepare
- The annual release of items so that the look and feel of the assessment is familiar and students can determine what items they got right and wrong
- The development of a Colorado SAT website to provide specific resources College Board's willingness and demonstrated history of assessment and resource improvement
SAT is currently accepted by all public, private, accredited, and not-for-profit colleges in the state of Colorado and across the United States.